Client Area or cPanel, Where should I go? Print

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Where do I go to do ?
Do I need to go to my Client Area or my cPanel?


It requires a username (email address) and password to login.

This is where you update your contact information, billing information, and any additional contact information.

Your Order(s) information is listed here, and you place new order(s) from here. You can order domain names, services, and products. You can View details of invoices past and present.

This is the area you come to View, Print and Pay invoices as well.

You can also Manage your domain name, (Update whois details, name servers change, Lock/Unlock domain, Get the EPP Auth code)

The cPanel 
This area deals with everything that controls with your web site.

The address of your cPanel is "" with "" being the actual domain name of your web site. The cPanel requires a username and password (a mixed string of letters and numbers - upper and lower case suggested).

This is where you set up your email accounts, read your webmail create email address, and create a forward, auto responders, and mx records.

You can edit, backup, change and upload files. You can also edit pages and control FTP. You can create additional FTP accounts.

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